Monday, March 23, 2009

9 month monkey

It was a bit harder to get a stationary monkey picture this time, but I think this was my favorite month yet for pictures.

Caden wanted to make sure the monkey knew this was HIS seat, and mr. monkey better not get out of line.

making sure monkey kept out of his personal space. I think monkey had also eaten garlic.

monkey only suffered minor injuries from the fall

hmmm....suspiciously innocent. monkey doesn't know what's about to hit.


the campbell family said...

He's got his fist pulled back like he's about to teach monkey a lesson. You tell him Caden! And in the first one it looks like he's about to put a full body slam on him...poor monkey ;)

Melanie said...

SO, SO cute!!! Love the second picture...looks like he's rared back and is about to take a swing at the poor monkey. Love it!