Thursday, November 13, 2008

Frozen Monkey Love on a Stick

This year marked the 2nd annual girl's outdoor extravaganza, and we chose Beaver's Bend for our destination. Last year 3 of us were pregnant, and this year we had 4 babies among the 6 of us.....makes for a little bit of a different trip, but it was SO much fun! These pictures are out of order, but Blogger has decided not to let me move them today.

Saturday we went on a hike and this was Caden's sweet ride. He really loved it. See...he's giving the camera the thumb's up.

Here's the group!

Janelle and Jaymie were GREAT helpers, and Caden ALWAYS loves him some Aunt Nell time.

Katie was our master food organizer, and she kept our tummies full and happy.

Nolan was our youngest adventurer, and he was a trooper. He's just so cute!!!

Friday night, we broke out the Yahtzee and had a good time. Here, Rachel is experiencing a case of momnesia and Mo is helping her add the dice up. Ha!

Pretty little Landry! She was the oldest kid at 7 months, and she helped look after all her younger friends.

Caden conked out toward the end. I think he kind of looks like an old lady with his head covering on right here....can you picture it?

Our guide for the hike!

I turned around and saw a monstrous two-headed creature following me. I took a quick picture and then high-tailed it out of there.

And here we come to this blog post's title. Our hike ended at the Folk Festival, and this was one of the things you could order. I looks pretty good, but I'm not too sure about the mental picture I get from the name!

Thanks to master fire-builders Katie, Mo, and Janelle, we had s'mores Saturday night.

Nolan and Caden were getting a very strict lecture on some midnight pranks they pulled. I think they'll think twice next time.


It was a much needed weekend, and I'm already looking forward to the next one!


*Kendra* said...

Very fun! Great pics! Looks like it was a beautiful place!

Kyla said...

You and your sister are so pretty! How is it that you can both look so good without makeup? Makes me sick. :)