Thursday, November 13, 2008

I know a weenie man. He owns a weenie stand.....

So...this year we thought long and hard about what to make Caden for Halloween. We settled on the costume you see below. It is a fine specimen of a hot dog, I think. Caden's good friend Norah came to trick or treat, and he was mesmerized by the beautiful bumble bee.

The top is my favorite part of the costume. It just looks so silly!

We got to see Audrey and Wyatt while we were out trick-or-treating, and they looked GREAT!

Caden specifically mentioned wanting to see Grandmommy and Paw Paw, so we made sure to stop by, and he was so happy!

Grandmother and Granddaddy's was our first trick-or-treating stop!

He fell asleep on the way over there, so it took just a bit to wake up and be happy again!

We put on the hot dog before dinner as a trial run, and it was love at first sight!

We're thinking maybe we'll just go down a list of our favorite foods from year to year. Stay tuned next year for our little taco.

1 comment:

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

oh my goodness! his costume is adorable! u have one cute hot dog on your hands there.