Friday, December 21, 2007

Boy or Girl??????

I have to say, I woke up this morning with a bit of an extra spring in my step. I mean, I've been counting down the days till this Dr. appt. for about 2 weeks. I made it through a crazy day of 7th graders and booked it out of school to make it for our 4:30 with Dr. New. I had my DVDs in my purse, swung by to pick up Adam, and we were on our way.

The excitement was building as we waited in Grapevine traffic. The moment arrived, and we pulled into the hospital parking lot. I showed Adam the way, and we punched the 3rd floor button for the office. We walked up to the door, went to push the handle, was locked. The lights were off inside, and the waiting room was suspiciously absent of patients. I looked at Adam, and he was reading the sign on the door that said the office was closed....was always closed at 12:30 on Fridays.

A bit bewildered, we headed back down to the elevator, down to the 1st floor where we got back in the car and drove home. I have no idea what happened. I looked at my calendar, and there was the appt.....4:30 on the 21st with Dr. New. So, for all of you who were will be just a bit longer. Who knows when my appointment is/was supposed to be. Pregnancy 1, Kristen 0.


Shara Smith said...

Oh...I am so sorry! I know the disappointment you feel. What in the world is up with that doctor's office? I am so sad...I too, was so excited to find out what it was. I will be anxiously awaiting your next appointment. Love you! Have a Merry Christmas!

Melanie said...

BUMMER!!!! We'll be anxiously awaiting the day...whenever that might be!

Natalie Church said...

Unbelievable! Are they open on Monday for you to call? What a let down! We are excited about Christmas this year. I was hoping you would know by the time you came to TN. Ya'll be careful! We'll see you soon!

Kyla said...

Oh maaaannn! I know that must have been such a disappointment...but not for long. You will find out soon enough and it will be sooo fun! I'm anxious to hear what the mix up was. Well...I'm going to vote that it is a girl!

Noe Family said...

Hey, tell Shara to back off Dr New's office! ha,ha. Can't wait to hear the news. Call them on the 26th and sound pitiful and maybe they'll "squeeze" you in!

Noe Family said...

Hey, tell Shara to back off Dr New's office! ha,ha. Can't wait to hear the news. Call them on the 26th and sound pitiful and maybe they'll "squeeze" you in!

sharon said...

aw, man!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Glad you finally found out what it is, but I'll just tell you right out that you need to quit wearing anything that sparkles and nail down everything in your home. He may deceive you at first by seeming like just a helpless infant--boys are like monkeys and bears and billy goats all wrapped up in one. That's totally true, but so much fun, and I sure am happy for y'all!