Since I'm almost 6 months behind, I'm going to catch up in a major way...each day....a new month, until I'm caught up. You might want to delete me from your reader. :) March...we......
Drew on the sidewalk. Caden is in the process of making some quite artistic whales and owls. Mine weren't much better.
Below: close-up of a. owls or b. whales
Answer: a. owls
Caden took a nap with bears
So did Tate, but he was rudely awoken by a jumping bear.
Tate screamed. a lot.
Caden made a monster fort.
Um....not sure what happened here...but it happened in March.
Kids longingly looked outside
Avery wondered why Caden didn't use a spoon
And why he was so happy about having blueberry juice all over his face
made a fort out of bamboo sticks
aforementioned bamboo sticks
went on a nature walk and smelled some flowers
picked a tulip flower from a tree that is no longer in existence due to a large family of beavers... a family who picked the wrong house to vandalize...a family who cut down their last tree
avery lamenting the loss of the tree
Tate: pretending not to notice Mallory
Tate: offering Mallory a treasure
Tate: making sure Mallory had tickets to the gun show
remember those colors? :)
In March, we also went skiing.
and made Caden work for his room and board
Tate got his first guitar lesson
He meditated on the finer points of picking
and decided to give it a try
He also worked VERY hard on his mad scientist face. I think you'd all agree that his practice has paid off
In March, Caden also grew some spidey senses and can now climb up walls
1 comment:
Doodle, I look forward to seeing your posts. You are hilarious, and your sense of humor will be a constant source of embarrassment to your boys as they grow older. Could any mother ask for more?!!?!?
(I'm Alison Crockett's mom, in case you don't remember me).
Your family is adorable.
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